Homework policy
Homework Policy
- Policy Aim
In order for students to achieve their full academic potential it is accepted that homework and study are essential parts of every student’s academic life. It is the aim of all concerned with this policy that homework is done diligently, to the best of a student’s ability and is submitted on time to the teacher for correction or assessment.
2. Aims of Homework
- To reinforce and supplement the work carried out in the classroom while it is still fresh in students’ minds and therefore more likely to be retained.
- To complete work begun in class or to prepare for future work in class.
- To foster self-discipline and self-motivation in the student, which will be beneficial throughout his/her school career.
- To give students the opportunity to develop independent working habits.
- To enhance the educational experience.
- To develop an understanding of journal entry, reminders, deadlines, and time management, therefore increasing organisational skills.
3. What is homework?
Homework is subject-based work assigned by a teacher, for completion by a student, alone or with others, outside of class. It may be oral, aural, written, memorising, reading, practical research, project-centred or revision. Examples may include short written answers; revision; short exercises aimed at practising new skills or applying new concepts; writing answers in workbooks; drawing diagrams or maps; essays; project work that may extend over a few weeks; practising or completing Artwork/ Technical Graphics drawings/recipes/sewing; researching on the internet; completing online assignments; listening to radio programmes/watching TV programmes.
4. The Student Journal
The student journal will be used by students, teachers and parents/guardians for the following:
- Writing up details of homework and study given by the teacher in class.
- Notes from teachers to parents/guardians regarding the student’s homework.
- Notes from parents/guardians to teachers regarding difficulties the student may be experiencing with homework, or explanations for non-completion of homework.
5. Role of the Student
Students will uphold this policy by:
- Setting aside realistic times every week for homework and study ( see recommendation in Section 10)
- Completing all homework on time and presenting it to the best of their ability.
- Using the student journal as described above.
6. Role of the Teacher
Teachers will uphold this policy by:
- Giving relevant homework regularly where applicable.
- Setting standards for the completion and presentation of work. This will be differentiated in accordance with student ability.
- Correcting homework and giving feedback to students.
- Assisting students in developing study plans and time-management strategies.
- Setting time aside in class for the recording of homework in student journals.
- Keeping records of homework submitted by students.
- Following school procedures regarding the non-completion of homework.
- Give parents/guardians the opportunity to discuss their son’s/daughter’s difficulties with homework.
7. Role of Parents/Guardians
Parents/Guardians will uphold this policy by:
- Showing an interest in their child’s work in school and supporting them in every way possible as they undertake their homework/study.
- Communicating with the school on all matters likely to affect student performance.
- Ensuring that extra-curricular activities or part-time jobs do not impinge on homework or study.
- Attending Parent Teacher Meetings to discuss their child’s progress in school.
8. Role of School Management
The Principal and Deputy Principal will uphold this policy by:
- Communicating the details of this policy to students, teachers and parents/guardians.
- Providing templates for teachers to record homework completion for their classes.
- Providing a simple and effective stepped structure for teachers to report incidences of non-completion of homework.
- Keeping records of all written reports from teachers regarding homework/study.
- Providing support for teachers who are having difficulty with students who are not presenting homework.
- Putting measures in place that acknowledge excellence but also deal effectively with difficulties if, and when, they arise.
9. Role of the Board of Management
The Board of Management will uphold this policy by:
- Reviewing this policy on a regular basis.
- Providing resources, where possible, to support students, teachers and parents/guardians in implementing this policy.
10. Recommendations
- It is recommended that a policy of positive affirmation is fostered in the classroom. Students should receive praise for achievements.
- The intrinsic value of homework activities is far more important than the precise amount of time devoted to them. Best practice suggests that the amount of time that should be spent by students at second level, on average, on homework should fall within the following ranges:
- First Year 1½ hours minimum
- Second Year 2½ hours minimum
- Third Year 3½ hours minimum
- Transition Year 1 ½ hours minimum depending on project work and activities
- Fifth Year 3½ hours minimum
- Sixth Year 3½ hours minimum.
Weekend study and revision is also essential at second level and it increases in importance as students advance through the year groups.
Some students will complete all tasks quickly and correctly and may appear to have given very little time to their homework. Some students and those with learning difficulties may put in more time and effort. Teachers and parents need to consider the varying abilities of students when setting homework or when inspecting homework.
11. Procedures for non-presentation of homework
A student that has a valid reason for non-completion of homework must have an explanatory note from a parent/guardian dated and signed in his/her journal. The student must show the note to all relevant teachers.
In the absence of a valid reason being given:
- Teachers examine each case of non-presentation of homework on an individual basis.
- In the first instance teachers will give an opportunity to rectify the situation.
- In the second instance a verbal warning will be given. If a teacher suspects that there is an underlying problem they are advised to contact the relevant Year Head. It may be the case that a student is experiencing difficulty with the subject area or is experiencing other difficulties. If these difficulties persist the issue should be referred to the Student Support Team or S.E.N. Coordinator as appropriate.
- In the third instance a note will be written in the student journal.
- If there is a further instance then the Year Head will be informed and the Year Head will call home to discuss the situation.
- If the problem persists a meeting will be arranged between the Year Head, the parents/guardians and the student.
- Teachers who notice students copying homework in their class should bring this to the attention of the relevant teacher.
This policy will be reviewed on a regular basis.
Signed:________________________ Chairperson, Board of Management
Signed: ________________________ Principal