Transition Year Enrolment Policy

St. Columba’s Comprehensive School,


Co Donegal.

Roll No 81010J

Transition Year Enrolment Policy

School CommunityConsultation TimeframeAction
StaffOctober 2023- January 2024Completed
ParentsOctober 2023- January 2024Completed
Student Body and Student CouncilDecember 2023-January 2024Completed
Board of ManagementDecember 2023-January 2024Completed
Ratified by Board of Management:  Date: 19th February 2024
Date of review/amendments: This policy is subject to review every two years.Date:  
Date of next reviewDate: February 2026  
    Signed: ____________________________ Chairperson of Board of Management   Date: 19th February 2024    Signed: ____________________________ Principal   Date: 19th February 2024

Background to Transition year

St. Columba’s Comprehensive School offers Transition Year as an optional one-year programme post Junior Cycle. The aims of the Transition Year Programme reflect those specific to the guidelines published by the Department of Education, namely:

  • Education for maturity with the emphasis on personal development including social awareness and increased social competence.
  • The promotion of general, technical and academic skills with the emphasis on interdisciplinary and self-directed learning.
  • Education through experience of adult and working life as a basis for personal development and maturity.

The Transition Year Programme is not compulsory. The maximum number of available places will be dependent upon staffing, facilities and resources and will be determined annually by the Board of Management.

TY Core Team

The TY Core team consists of the programme coordinator, Class tutor(s) and guidance counsellor. The Core Team coordinators the planning of the TY programme.

Application Procedures

All third year students, will receive a presentation regarding Transition year.  This presentation will highlight to all prospective applicants that knowledge of, research into and preparation for Transition Year, will be critical factors in gaining entry to the programme. Similarly, attendance, application and attitude to work and behaviour will be important factors. The qualities and disposition essential for successful participation in Transition Year will again be fully outlined to students at this presentation.

A formal evening presentation will be delivered to parents/guardians of third year students interested in applying for a place on the programme in Term 2 of Third Year.

The offer of a place in TY may be withdrawn prior to the commencement of the school year if the student is in breach of the school’s Code of Behaviour.

A student who accepts a place in TY and later withdraws from the programme is advised that they may have limited subject choice as the subject choice processes may be completed at that stage.

Procedure for Application for Transition Year Programme:

All students wishing to follow the Transition Year Programme must complete an application form. Due to the limited nature of resources, it may not be possible to accept all students who apply for Transition Year.

In such circumstances the following limits and criteria will apply:

  • Due to limited resources, Transition Year may be restricted to one class group of 24 students. If resources allow, two class groups may be created, with a maximum of 48 students enrolled in Transition Year.
  • Class size, which in general will not exceed 24, with the exception of Home Economics and Technology/Engineering which are limited to 20 students.
  • Students must have displayed reasonable willingness and capability to follow programmes that allow a wide variety of learning opportunities and will have a proven record of co-operation with the school Code of Behaviour and other policies.
  • Each application will be considered on its own merit and may include an interview of potential candidates if deemed necessary.
  • Where possible consideration will be given so that siblings from different year groups will not end up progressing through the senior cycle in the same year as a result of the transition year enrolment process.
  • The following criteria will apply in assessing a prospective Transition Year student’s application:

Awarding of Marks Criteria Marks

The student’s record of compliance with the school’s Behaviour Policy and the Code of Conduct25 
Suitability to the programme in consultation with the TY selection committee*, Special Education Team (SET), Inclusion Coordinator and the Student Support Team (SST). This may take the form of an interview with each applicant by a minimum of 2 members of the TY selection committee. * Deputy Principal, Programme Co-ordinator, relevant Year Head, Guidance Counsellor, HSCL20 
The student’s personal statement (submitted in any form written, audio, video etc.)20   
The student’s record of contribution to the school community i.e. extracurricular and co-curricular activities15 
The student’s attendance and punctuality record10 
Age – Students are ranked in order of age.  The youngest student will receive maximum marks and all students are awarded the appropriate marks on a prorate basis. (See Appendix 1 for worked example)10 

Decision Making

In relation to all forms of application referred to above, the Principal in consultation with a Selection Committee comprising the Deputy Principal, relevant Year Head, Programme Co-ordinator, Guidance Counsellor, Home School Community Liaison Coordinator (HSCL) will decide on the outcome of applications. Decisions will be notified to parents, in general, within 21 days of the completion of the application process.

Right of Appeal

Where an applicant is refused enrolment, Parents/Guardians have the right to appeal a refusal to enrol a student, in the first instance to the Principal. Such an appeal should be made within 5 days of the date of written notification of the refusal. Thereafter parents/guardians have the right to appeal the decision to the Board of Management.

Programme Fees:

The Programme Fee set annually is intended to assist in defraying costs associated with the various activities and courses fundamental to the programme. This fee includes personal insurance cover which is mandatory for all Transition Year students. It will be used to pay for buses and entry fees for events as they arise, and to pay for workshops provided in school time.

Appendix 1

Calculation of Age

StudentDate of birthDifference of age in days from youngestPro rata score
A (Youngest)01/06/2011010.0
G (Oldest)01/06/20103650.0